These long (dark) fall-leading-into-winter days have me a bit stressed. Oh, it

Freezer Friendly No Crust Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches {?#12DaysOf? Lunch Ideas}
We have reached the last day of our 12 days of back to school lunch ideas. I hope you have found some inspiration to add some fun meals to your child’s lunch box. As Janell was grabbing a few snacks at for her kids last week they were in the…

Fruity Fluffernutter Sandwich {#12DaysOf School Lunches}
Welcome back to day eleven of our #12Daysof School Lunches series!

Pizza Pinwheel Lollipops {#12DaysOf School Lunches}
Welcome to Day 10 of our 12 Days of School Lunches! We’ve had so many fun and creative ideas so far, haven’t we? This one from my other blog, Creative

Pizza Lunch-ables {#12DaysOf School Lunches}
Today’s post comes from Holly of Southern Mom Loves. She has a fun lunch idea for a homemade Pizza Lunch-able! Bringing school lunches can get boring. They want the same sandwich day in and day out, or they beg for pre-packaged store-bought lunches. You know the ones I mean. Well,…

Turkey Cream Cheese Pinwheels {#12DaysOf School Lunches}
Today’s recipe comes to us from Jennifer at The Savings Opportunity. She is sharing a twist on the traditional turkey sandwich – turkey cream cheese pinwheels! The secret to the great flavor of these pinwheels is the cream cheese spread, which uses only three ingredients to deliver a delicious flavor….

Banana Sushi Rolls {12 Days of School Lunches}
Thanks for joining us for Day 6 of the 12 Days of School Lunches! We’re halfway through and already we have fantastic ideas for school lunches that are sure to please even the pickiest of eaters

Fun and Educational Lunch Challenge {#12DaysOf School Lunches}
Welcome back to day five of our ?#?12Daysof? School Lunches!

Mini Corn Dog Muffins {#12DaysOf School Lunches}
Welcome to our monthly 12 Days of Recipes. This month we are sharing Back to School Recipes! Today Just Plum Crazy is sharing a different type of school lunch…Mini Corn Dog Muffins! Your child will be the hit of the lunchroom with these in their lunchbox.