Creating Effective School Morning Routines

Creating effective school morning routines can mean the difference between having a great day and a not so great day. Really! They’re that important. By setting expectations ahead of time, both the kids and adults can start their days with that sense of calm and…

Easy School Day Breakfasts

That early morning rush on a school day can make getting breakfast before heading out the door really tricky. These easy school day breakfasts will offer you some ideas that can simplify this. As with any other meals, we always try to rely on prepping…

Kid Friendly School Lunch Ideas

For some of you, school has just begun again and for us, it’s about to begin. It can be so exciting to get started with another school year but it certainly adds a bit of stress to our lives too. Hopefully, these kid friendly school…

Simple After School Routines

I often see people talking about their before school morning routines, but not as many talking about how they handle the after school time. If your home is anything like ours, this is just as important as the morning so we’re going to share our…

Apple Pretzel Recipe

Make this easy apple pretzel recipe and serve as a back to school snack. Or bag them up as a teacher gift. Be sure to grab our free printable tags too! Get the kids to help make these – with supervision, they can add the…

Getting Ready for Back to School Meals

It’s nearly that time for us. Back to school! Your kids may have already gone, back but for us, the kids go back to school right after Labor Day. Not only do we have a child in the house who’s heading into Grade One, but…

Why School Morning Routines are Important

Parents everywhere have dealt with the school morning struggle at one point or another in their parenting journey. From missing socks to constant nagging to get your kids to brush their teeth, school mornings can be stressful and chaotic. When the school year finally begins,…

School Supply Recommendations from Teachers

It’s nearly time to go back-to-school shopping. It can be so difficult to figure out what to buy (and what not to buy), all while staying within a budget. This list will provide you with some school supply recommendations from teachers. Sam is currently a…

Back to School Shopping Tips

I know. You don’t want to think about back to school while you’re enjoying these beautiful summer days. But it’s right around the corner (for some of you, even sooner than others!). So here are some of our back to school shopping tips coming from…

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