My mom is 82. Now whatever picture you may have of what 82 means, you may not be picturing my mom. She is active and spry and pretty much can run circles around the rest of us. That being said, she did just have major back surgery and now for the first time, we have to be concerned about her risk of falling. She will be in a back brace for the next 4 months that helps prevent her from bending or twisting and we have to do our part to make sure that she
Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls {Taking Care of our Elders}

Such great advice and I agree adding Mobility aids such as handrails and chairlifts are great ways to help elderly still get around even in the comfort of their own house. Thanks for sharing this!
The availability of the caregiver is something to take into consideration. Depending on your needs you may want to know if the agency has a registered nurse on call and if they are available 24 hours a day.