Last day of apps reviews!
Tag: ipad

iPad Apps Reviews 12: Reference (plus The Weather Network)
Oh my gosh, second last day!

iPad Apps Reviews 11: Health & Fitness
I may not be exactly known for being interested in health and fitness, so maybe it’s a little surprising to see this post as part of the app series.

iPad Apps Reviews 10: Cooking
As some of you may know, I absolutely adore collecting recipes.

iPad Apps Reviews 9: Education
As a future teacher, it’s going to be very handy having my iPad as a resource available to me.

iPad Apps Reviews 8: TV and Movies (plus YouTube)
It’s probably unhealthy how much television I watch.

iPad App Reviews 7: Photos and Photo Editing
Hey folks!

iPad App Reviews 6: Music
Hey y’all!

iPad App Reviews 5: Comics, Poetry, and Beyond!
Okay, Day 5.

iPad App Reviews 4: eReaders (plus Dropbox!)
‘Sup, apps-lovers.