These Rudolph Cinnamon Rolls are a quick and easy festive holiday treat. My son in law’s family always served cinnamon rolls as breakfast on Christmas morning, while we always did Rudolph pancakes. This fun idea is a great way to take those cinnamon rolls and turn them into a fantastic reindeer-themed delight just like the pancakes!
Using package cinnamon rolls makes assembling these reindeer treats a breeze. You can even get the kids to help you assemble them (or keep it a fun surprise). Either way, these are sure to get rave reviews from everyone.

Rudolph Cinnamon Rolls
- Cinnamon Rolls
- Red Gum Balls
- Candy Eyes
- Bacon Strips


Prepare the cinnamon rolls as directed on the package.

Place two cooked strips on bacon into the top of the cinnamon roll to create antlers.

Add two eyes and a red gumball for a nose.

That’s it! Easy peasy and ready to serve.